Kids Book Corner

  • Goose Girl
  • Mrs. Frisby and The Rats of NIMH
  • Peter and The Shadow Thieves
  • Peter and The Star Catchers
  • Simon Bloom, The Gravity Keeper
  • Stella Brite and The Dark Matter Myster
  • The Island of The Blue Dolphins
  • The Phantom Toll Booth
  • The School Library Journal
  • The Sisters Grimm
  • Tuck Everlasting


Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Strike a Pose:

background paper a freebie by Eve Recinella, Heritage brad by Cottage Arts, Leather Rose Trim by Michelle Coleman, Staples and label by FhungLie, Fonts: Susie's Hand, Ecolier, Henry Morgan Hand, Artistamp Medium, Fine Hand LET
I have decided to do some layouts about my maternal grandmother, Doris Beatrice Hodge Harris. I will try do more this week, as I can kick my kids off of my computer. My computer has internet connection and their's has a bad network card. Anyway, my grandmother was always impeccably dressed and coifed. I always thought of her as extremely elegant. She kept an immaculately clean home and stocked her shelves with lots of junk food for me. She had two main foibles: 1. Smoking (Pall Malls) 2. Extreme sarcasm. I have never smoked, but I have been accused, repeatedly, about the second one.


Cool videos from the library that I used for homeschooling this week:
1. Inside Hurricane Katrina by National Geographic (the only untouched on subject was the problems that occurred in the hospitals)

2. Guns, Germs, and Steel by National Geographic
This film deals with the impact on civilizations throughout the world as mechanized fire power in the form of guns was introduced by colonizing peoples and how germs worked for the Europeans in their conquests of many other countries, i.e. small pox, but kicked them in the teeth when they got to the tropical latitudes of Africa.
The professor's theory for the book and film is that geography has played the most significant roll in colonization. Those who had the best farming land and techniques could then move on to sustain themselves as they conquered others. The interesting part of the geography theory is that the European conquests along the similar band of latitude was successful because the conquers were used to the weather patterns and soil conditions, but often failed when they tried to go North to South. Maybe that's why the Americans and Canadians share a border...hhmmm?!?

3. Basic Beginner Training: Fencing with Michael Bradley
Great explanation of fencing philosophy and techniques.

4. Infant and Toddler Emergency First Aid
a. Volume I: Accidents
b. Volume II: Illnesses
(Aaron is quite useful if the crisis has nothing to do with his physical being. He stays rather calm and provides reassurance, but...oh, please...don't let him get sick or hurt. The Earth ceases to turn on it's axis and all is placed into chaos!)

We have a cool video about Einstein for later in the week and we need to get into our Spanish and Latin language programs.

Michael continues to work with Aaron on Astronomy and he is learning the difference between Arc minutes and Arc Seconds, among other terms and their applications.

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