Kids Book Corner

  • Goose Girl
  • Mrs. Frisby and The Rats of NIMH
  • Peter and The Shadow Thieves
  • Peter and The Star Catchers
  • Simon Bloom, The Gravity Keeper
  • Stella Brite and The Dark Matter Myster
  • The Island of The Blue Dolphins
  • The Phantom Toll Booth
  • The School Library Journal
  • The Sisters Grimm
  • Tuck Everlasting


Saturday, July 07, 2007

Give Me Your Tired...

Emma Lazarus sure got my attention with that, but it's a good tired! We have had another busy day. I should back track just a bit, though. Yesterday, in Philadelphia we took the Independance Hall tour and saw the Liberty Bell. We went down Walnut Street for a "cheese wit" (a Philly Cheese steak with onions) and Rachel and Aaron had a cheese wit out (no onions). We also had wuda ice (water ice). I had a bit of black raspberry on top of red raspberry, Rachel had strawberry, Aaron had red raspberry, and Noah and Rachel shared a lemon and a pineapple water ice. On the way down the street a New York style pizza place was offering free slices of pizza to try. I got one and Aaron did, too. Aaron decided he didn't want more than one, but and Noah volunteered to finish it. I was surprised that he ate the whole thing considering it had thinly sliced tomatoes, but he didn't ask and...I didn't tell him that he was eating a vegetable. I found out that Philly Cheesesteaks and NY style pizza are mighty tasty.

We took another carriage ride. If you are keeping track that makes 3 rides. 1 stage wagon at Colonial Williamsburg, 2 Amish buggy ride, and 3 a ride around historic Philadelphia. The driver was personable and brave to drive in Philly traffic. The traffic was a bit unnerving. The history of the town was great like why the houses are tall and narrow having to do with taxation under the King. There were marble blocks along the sidewalks to allow women to get up in carriages. The Catholic churches didn't have steeples to keep a low profile in a English Kings Anglican supported colony. The kids are always very interested in the horses that pull the carriages. This time we had a single horse named Buzz.

We went to the Riverwalk and took a ferry over to Camden, NJ. In NJ we went to Adventure Aquarium. Rachel, Noah and I were jazzed to get to pet the jellyfish. They felt so cool! Rachel pet a few shrimp and they jump when you touch them. We all pet starfish and sea snails. We got to watch the scuba divers hand feed the cow-nosed rays. They have a perpetual smily on their faces and are rather docile. The divers said they have the most problems with the sea turtles nipping them during feeding time.
We walked over to the New Jersey destroyer, but it was closed. Rachel was wiped out, but had to walk back to the ferry. When we got off the ferry we started walking back to the hotel when the hotel shuttle drove up to us and stopped, so we got in. I jokingly said, "My daughter must have clicked her heels together 3 times and wished for you to come!" He said someone called for a pick up at Penn's Landing and he thought it was us. We told him no, so I hope who ever it was got back okay. Later we got him to drop us off back at Walnut Street. The kids had Wendy's and Michael and I split a cheese wit. The shuttle driver said it would be a while before he could pick us back up so we walked.
We stopped by Washington Park for the second time, but this time it was dark and we chased lightening bugs (fire flies). Rachel was great at catching them. I would catch them and give them to Eve and Noah. The walk was definitely a scenic tour. We stopped by Benjamin Franklin's grave. , The weather was warm so no one got cold during our night time prowl.

Back at the hotel we brushed teeth and put on jammies and I finished reading The Sisters Grimm. This third book is continued and Noah was quizzing me on how soon we could start reading number 4. It was funny with Noah during our long walk to the hotel to discuss the different characters and possible outcomes in the story. I'll try to review the book soon.

:::::::::::::LIBBA DEE Island:::::

Was the second stop on our tour today. First we went to Ellis Island. We took the audio tour that allowed you to punch in numbers to hear a recorded message. It was beautifully restored. It was hard to imagine that in the 1980s it was an abandoned mess. It is also amazing to see the similar immigration problems existed in the 1900's with the same rhetoric.
The ferry boat ride made Aaron a bit queasy but he stayed at the railing. The breeze and being able to see where we were going helped. I bought the kids a soft pretzel to settle their stomachs. They liked the pretzel okay, but the other kids didn't get queasy.

Our second stop was Libba Dee Island. We loved the Northern Pronunciation of Liberty. We jokingly said that Patrick Henry probably would haven't got into the revolution if he said "Give me Libba Dee, or Give Me Death!"...OH! I thought you said "Liberty"...Of Course, you can have Libba Dee. That's okay.
I got some fun photos at the base of The Statue of Liberty. We couldn't go in because those tickets ran out earlier. We did have the audio tour here, as well. Rachel and Noah seemed to pay attention the most. The ferry ride takes you around the front of the statue and drops you off on the side by the torch.

The tour was well worth the time and money and I recommend the audio tour.

::::::::::::Holland Motor Lodge:::::::::

I am blogging from the Holland Motor Lodge, which just happens to be adjacent to Burger King, which just happens to have TRANSFORMER TOYS! Yes, Noah, who has been asking for a chance to get a meal at Burger King because of this promotion was pretty thrilled. He ended up with "Iron Hide" and "Blackout". The kids were pretty rowdy at the restaurant, I thought we had walked it out of them, but they kicked in with their reserves. We are on the second floor and at the end, which is a good placement. We are across from the entrance to the Holland Tunnel.

Tomorrow's plans: Empire State Building, Metropolitan Museum of Art and Central Park.

I will post new photos when Michael finds the upload cord.

Smiles from Hoboken, NJ!


Anonymous said...

I wish I had one of those Philly Cheese and maybe a hot pretzel with mustard. The best part must be seeing the "Practically Perfect" children's responses to all that they see. Give them big Granny and Granpa hugs.

Amanda said...

Sounds like you guys are having so much fun! We lived in Maryland for a while and got to see a lot of the same places. You make me miss being there! Have so much fun!!

Anonymous said...

It sounds like you had a busy vacation, but a lot of fun. I live on the West Coast and never been further East then Nashville. We will have to take the kids east when they are older. I have visited Seoul, Korea and Tokyo, but have never seen my old capital.
Bty I used to be a Taylor, it was my maiden name.

Kirstie said...

wow you're busy seeing the sites, enjoy the rest of your site seeing

Carol said...

Fabulous write up. It's taking me back now, this leg of your trip, as I was there a few years ago. Loved the MMA, I think you will too. Do what the locals do and get a pic taken sitting on the steps! I can't wait to see the scrapbooking begin of all of your adventures.