I think I'll have to eat another few boxes, just to be sure. Thanks to my friend, Carol, in Australia my family has been converted to the love of Tim Tams. I purchased the originals and the caramel centered ones. Noah has declared his love for the Tim Tam on a couple of occassions. Rachel says the caramel ones are her favorite. Michael says he thinks he doesn't like them, but to be sure I need to buy him several more boxes of each. I think the caramel ones are my favorites, too. The caramel is not runny like on the package photo, but firm and chewy. Chocolate and caramel are a heavenly mix. I want to have an Australian themed food night when I buy more of the Tim Tams and start off with a Shepherd's Pie, which approximates a Meat Pie. Thanks, Carol for the calories, I mean, the recommendation!
I saw this on Marcus' blog, so here is my outcome:
Your rainbow is shaded violet.
What is says about you: You are a creative person. You appreciate beauty and craftsmanship. You are patient and will keep trying to understand something until you've mastered it.
Find the colors of your rainbow at spacefem.com.
What is says about you: You are a creative person. You appreciate beauty and craftsmanship. You are patient and will keep trying to understand something until you've mastered it.
Find the colors of your rainbow at spacefem.com.
My neighbor, Kristen, invited us over for snacks. It was a ploy for her to get her tasty, high calorie treats out of her house. I am now experiencing the sugar rush that comes from partaking of bar treats.
:::::::::::::Brisk and Breezy
I did 6 miles at the park this morning. The wind was so cold. The Canada Geese have left copious amounts of ecoli mines around the lake. I avoid those.
Yesterday, Michael used a vacation day to help at the elementary school, so he went for a walk before we had to leave. I'm used to listening to Mara Davis, so I'm surprised I didn't try to make him come up with songs to a particular theme while we were walking. Maybe next time.
:::::::::::::Snow Village
Michael got to use exacto knives to cut out house from cardboard with Rachel's class. I got to be hot glue girl with our neighbor Kristen. Kristen's daughter, Lydia, is in Rachel's class. Michael took some photos for me, too. I got hugs from a couple of the kids. They tell me I'm just like Rachel. HMMM...
:::::::::::::I Still have Christmas presents to get, so maybe I will be able to do this like Buddy the Elf:
Take care! :)
The double coated are my favorites!!! although the original are the best for drinking your coffee through.......
Okay, yes like Chocolate Cat says up there, we need to teach you now the fine art of the "Tim Tam Suck". I think you're ready.
Hold said Tim Tam in your hand.
Bite one corner of top.
Bite opposite corner of bottom.
Now quickly - can't take too long - hold Tim Tam in coffee and quickly suck through the top bitten bit like a straw and immediately remove.
Then eat the Tim Tam. It will be warm and gooey and absolutely fabulous in your mouth.
Sounds disgusting huh? Tastes wonderful.
The kids might be able to do the same with chocolate milk, not sure, never tried it with cold drink.
Jim and I love the Tim Tams. Just what we needed more sugary treats.
Violet? You're turning violet, Violet.
Not sure I put much stock into it but I'm violet too.
I love your page!!! I was trying to put a post of my colors too, but i can't get it to post right, any tips?
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