Kids Book Corner

  • Goose Girl
  • Mrs. Frisby and The Rats of NIMH
  • Peter and The Shadow Thieves
  • Peter and The Star Catchers
  • Simon Bloom, The Gravity Keeper
  • Stella Brite and The Dark Matter Myster
  • The Island of The Blue Dolphins
  • The Phantom Toll Booth
  • The School Library Journal
  • The Sisters Grimm
  • Tuck Everlasting


Friday, June 01, 2007

Get A Grip!

Rachel sticks her hand into her colorful chalk bag (made by her dad, Michael) and prepares to try her hands at bouldering. Sand Rock, Alabama is great for all levels of climbing. Aaron left his chalked up hand print on the rock face.

Another layout in the rock climbing series of my families Memorial Day activities.

Crayon alpha by Ida, Grungy Alpha by Birgit, Backward staples by Jenn Patrick, Paper Tears by Grace Bennett, Joined at the Hip by Tia Bennett, photo edges by Katie Pertiet, Black paper from Studio Chic by Shabby Princess, Kaliedoscope paper by Sausan, Hand print by Jessica Bolton, Fonts: DB Michael and Arial Narrow.

::::::::::::::::::Just a Regular Old:::::::

cold! Now I just have a regular old annoying cold. I suppose a couple more days will find me healthy again.

::::::::::::::::::The Elegant Universe::::::::

written by Brian Greene was the video of choice last night. It introduced the concepts of String Theory as the link between General Relativity theory of Albert Einstein and the Standard Model of Quantum Mechanics. General Relativity explains how the world of large ojects works, while Quantum Mechanics explains the world of the very small, but the math just doesn't jive to give a unified theory. The problem with String Theory is that, at this point, is untestable, thus it is more a philosophy than a theory. One of the interesting parts of the String Theory was the number of dimensions that would be necessary to have the math work. Eleven dimensions was what I understood from the video. The other interesting things was the concept that their are different membranes, or branes and that our world is on one of these and since the fabric of space is flexible sometimes our brane collides with that of another, theoretically, or (Philosophically). I think String Theory will ultimately explain such mundane problems as what happens to the other socks that go into the dryer and never come out. My guess is that someone from one of the additional dimensions is doing laundry at the same time and are wondering, too, what happened to their sock! It reminds me of the .Star Trek episode when Captain Kirk gets stuck in the anti-matter universe with the evil Spock. I really loved evil Spocks Van Dyck mustache and his cool uniform. Anyway, I think I'm on to something here (or is it...I think I'm on something?). I wonder if my anti-matter Victoria has facial hair, really great clothes, is a natural blonde, wears a size 2 clothes and a size 5 shoe, and hates chocolate? I'm off to test my sock theory!


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